Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Greenup Municipal Building --Puppet Boot Camp

The ones on your left were the winners of the Jr. Division and the ones at the top of the page is the winners of the Sr. Division for lip sync and Puppet Techniques. There was a group from Holy Hands Ministry in Charleston that came and judged the kids on Tues.

These two are the winners of the "Iron Arm Challenge"

They stayed up longer than any of the others.

Left side is the Sr. Division and at the top of the page is the Jr. Division

This is just some pics of the kids and helpers can you pick out which is the helpers and which is the kids???
We are all kids, right?

On your left is the 3rd and 4th graders and their puppets that they made performing a song and at the top of the page is the whole group performing with their puppets that they made "For God so Loved the World"

This is one of the Heavenly Hands Puppeteers that is doing a song with the Gospel Duck.

You have to have a balloon class, right???? They all love it. Not sure if it is because they like to make the animals or like to hear them pop!!!

This is 3 groups that shared their talents, thru the puppets, with us during Boot Camp. They were from Terre Haute, Chaleston and Olney

We had many wonderful helpers during these two days. This lady is one and has already volunteered to help next year.

This was one of the Heavenly Hands Puppeteers that is helping teach a stix song to the group of Boot Campers

On the right was the instructor for the 2 days of Boot Camp. She was instructing them on Signing a Song. She had two groups and this is the younger of the two.

This was a fun time during the Boot Camp.

The clown brought lots of scrafs for the kids to try their hands at juggling.

This is Jelly Bean the clown and her helper that came to entertain us but also show us another tool that can be used for the Lord

This is the Sr. class working on their puppets

This was the 5th and 6th graders making light bulbs puppets and using them to do their song "This Little Light of Mine"

The Pledge of Allegiance to the American Flag, The Pledge to the Christian Flag and the Pledge to the Holy Bible were given each morning and during the program on Tues. afternoon

Saturday, June 14, 2008


This is a stix song that the girls(God's Rods) performed at Cougill Apts. The team did several puppet songs and three stix/signing songs.


This is the song "I WILL REMEMBER" being signed by one of the God's Rods people at the Cougill Apts. in Charleston, Il.

This girl is one of the girls that are on the God's Rods team. She is signing "I WILL REMEMBER".
We must never forget what Jesus did for us at Calvary!!!


These are the three girls that performed "REMEMBER ME" at the Cougill apts.

This is two of the God's Rods doing the song "Remember me" this is the stix song that they will be teaching during Boot Camp on the 23rd and 24th of June.

This is one of the God's Rods doing the song "Remember me"
We never want to forget what Jesus has done for us.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

SWANN CENTER in Champaign, Il.

We were so blesst to be able to go and share the message of Jesus Christ thru the puppets last Sunday, June 8th, at the Swann Center located in Champaign, Il.
We made animal balloons and everyone seemed to enjoy that. If you ever have a chance to go and visit please do. You will come away being very blesst.


Monday, June 2, 2008

The song they are doing is called The Web" It shows us how we get caught in a web with lies and deceit but Jesus Christ can set us free.
The two teams performed this together and did a wonderful job telling the message that Jesus can set us FREE!!!
Grace church is located 2 miles north of Wal-mart in Olney on route 130
Faith Fellowship Church is located 1 mile south of Hidalgo on route 130.
Both churches would love for you to come and worship with them.

This song that the two teams are performing is called "The Web".
Satan tries to trick us into doing his will and we get caught in a web and find ourselves unable to get out BUT Jesus can break the bonds that enslaves us and He will set us FREE!!

This is the Grace Church Stix Team and the Faith Fellowship Team combining to do "I Can Only Imagine"

This is the Grace Stixs and God's Rods performing "I Can Only Imagine" as they lift their hands in PRAISE and WORSHIP.

The song they are performing here is "I Can Only Imagine"
Can you only imagine what Heaven will be like??? Have you ask Jesus in your heart so you might be there one day?

The God's Rods and Grace Church Stix Team combined forces and did a couple of songs during their Worship Service. Our kids really enjoyed this. This is the first time they have been able to combine forces with another team and I believe it was enjoyed by all.

The message is all about this MAN CALLED JESUS that came and died for each of us so that we might be with HIM in Heaven one day but until that day we might serve HIM.

This is a stix song that Grace Stixs performed during their Worship Service. "The Star Spangled Banner". It was enjoyed by all.

After we left Olney Rehab we went to Grace Church which is located 2 miles North of Walmart on route 130. This is their team performing a signing song during Worship Service.

This is the Gospel Duck and one of the puppeteers is using it, at Olney Rehab, to tell others God doesn't make mistakes. We are beautiful in His eyes.

This past Sunday we found ourselves on the road again. This time we headed for Olney and the first stop was to Olney Rehab. This picture was during a song we did in a Musical "Light Your World"