Monday, August 18, 2008

Mission clean up

Do you think our church mission needs help???? Some of the kids decided to help out for the day. They worked hard for several hours but there is still alot to do. Thanks kids for all your hard work. You do make a difference.

This puppeteer went thru all the jeans and organized them. After she got that done she hung clothes on the racks and also sorted clothes. She was a BIG help.

This is our back room. We never even got to this room. We did do alot in the front of the mission building that made it look better. We are thankful for each one that came.

This is one of the puppeteers that is modeling a shirt. Pink!!! What is the saying? It takes a man to wear pink.

While we were working we had to have a fashion show. She also was busy sorting clothes today, sweeping the floor and she had a head of steam built up and got lots done.

She has finished her shoe shelves and they look good!!! She went next to the purses.

This is one of the puppeteers that is busy rearranging the shoes. We started at 8 a.m. and worked until 3 p.m. trying to make the mission a more organized place. The kids worked hard.

This is Joe, one of the puppeteers, sorting books. Trying to make the book shelf look alot better and throwing away books that are torn. He worked on a couple of book shelves, the kids room, hung clothes up on the rack, carried junk out, and packaged up the give away for us. He kept busy during the day.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Holiday World

Some of the puppeteers enjoyed a day away from their normal activities and went to Holiday World. It was one of the hottest days but who would have known as they stayed wet most of the day.

Holiday World

This was one of many rides the kids went on. As you see they are enjoying themselves.

Holiday World

This is the crew at the end of the day. Don't look to bad do they?