Saturday, December 12, 2009

These are two girls that helped us out today with the TOY GIVE AWAY at our church and then went with us while doing puppets. Thanks girls!!

These two ladies are on the puppet team and are enjoying a break. The one on the left just had ice cream and is alittle chilly.

These are two puppeteers that are taking a break between two performances. Always time for ice cream.
The puppet team went to Casey Heartland Nursing Home and performed Cowboy Christmas and made balloons. We had a great time. This is one of the residents that had his own puppet.

Sunday, December 6, 2009


This is some of the staff that helped us the day we went to the Swann Center in Champaign. They were and are such a blessing.

These are some of the residents at the Swann Center that helped us enjoy the day. They were such a blessing to us and we are looking forward to going back.

This is some of the staff at the Swann Center. They really got into the balloons and had such a caring and sweet spirit. Thank you for all you do to make life more pleasant.

These are some of the residents at the Swann Center that we did our Christmas Musical with puppets for and also made balloons.

They say there is no fun in making balloons????

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Olney Rehab

These pictures were taken at Olney Rehab as the puppet team went and performed a Christmas musical. We also made animal balloons and passed them out to the residents.

These pictures were taken at Olney Rehab in Olney, Il. What a wonderful time we had.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Light House Mission in Terre Haute, Ind. on Nov. 28th

This was some of the people that made our day special at the light House.

These were some of the scenes that happened at the Light House Mission in Terre Haute .

These are some of the adults that are on the puppet team.

This is 3 of the kids that are on the puppet team. They are all sweet kids and they are GREAT!!!

Monday, November 2, 2009

This is the NEW Heavenly Hands Puppet Team. One lively bunch ready to serve their Lord wherever He opens the doors for us to go. They are wonderful servants. If we can help you at your church, festival, workshop, etc. please let us know.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

This is the song "Thank You" that the puppet team performed at Plainfield Church for the Jasper Co. Sunday School Sing.

The Jasper Co. Sunday School Sing was held this year at Plainfield Church in Rose Hill, Il. We were able to perform two songs that we had done for our church for Pastor Appreciation Month with the puppets. This song and skit was "The Devil Sermon"

Saturday, October 24, 2009

We are at it again. This group of women was able to go to the Light House Mission in Terre Haute and serve supper there. We were so blessed. Four of us are on the Heavenly Hands Puppet Team. We are looking forward to doing many things in the year to come.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Alaska Mission Trip

WELCOME! Below is pictures of our trip to Alaska. Beautiful country. Alittle wet but very pretty.

These pictures are of us working at the Food Bank of Alaska. We packaged blueberries!!!. Boxes and boxes of them. They were to be sent out to Day Cares.

There was LOTS of balloons made and given out during the week.

This was at the Mt. View Baptist Church. We were getting instructions on working in the food bank that morning.

This was at the Assisted Living quarters. We really enjoyed this and some of the residents grandchildren were there which helped do puppets too.

These were some of the children we ministered to during our week there.

During our park ministry.