WELCOME! Below is pictures of our trip to Alaska. Beautiful country. Alittle wet but very pretty.
These pictures are of us working at the Food Bank of Alaska. We packaged blueberries!!!. Boxes and boxes of them. They were to be sent out to Day Cares.
There was LOTS of balloons made and given out during the week.
This was at the Mt. View Baptist Church. We were getting instructions on working in the food bank that morning.
This was at the Assisted Living quarters. We really enjoyed this and some of the residents grandchildren were there which helped do puppets too.
These were some of the children we ministered to during our week there.
During our park ministry.
Puppets were used during our trip several times to proclaim Jesus is Lord!!!
These were the two parks that we went to in Anchorage. We shared Jesus with these children.
These are two of the group that went to Alaska. They are helping reorganize a closet in a church.