Sunday, November 13, 2011

Veterans Day at Faith Fellowship Church--2011

These were the men and women veterans that were represented at the Veterans Service at Faith Fellowship Church. Thank you for all you have done for us to have the freedoms we enjoy.

This was a cake that was served with the meal at our special Veterans service. We thank all the Veterans and the active duty men and women for all they do to allow us to have the freedoms we have. THANK YOU!!

The God Rods performed "God Bless America" during the Veterans Service at Faith Fellowship.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Olney Rehab--Nov. 2011

This is a relaxing time at the Olney DQ after they had just performed at the Olney Rehab. As you notice they are acting quite normal. Kidding!!!

This is one of our puppeteers with her mother.

This is one of the songs we sign to during our performance at Olney Rehab.

These are some pics taken during our performance at Olney Rehab. We couldn't get it dark so you are able to see the puppeteers.

These pictures are taken from some of the songs we do during our musical "Hold on to Jesus".